Analysis of 'horror' opening scenes in films

    Since the genre to my opening scene as previously mentioned in a post is horror/mystery/thriller, i will be analyzing any 2 similar opening scenes in movies that I've watched.


Genre: Thriller/Psychological horror 
The scene or the film begins with the focus on the main character. It becomes very clear in the very first second of the movie that it will revolve around 1 of these main characters. The girl(main character) is staring in distance, audience still not sure what she's looking at but it doesn't seem very pleasant. The gradual zoom in on the character helps in creating mystery.
The next scene is the friend's parent offering the girl a ride to home since he's being considerate and doesn't want to leave anyone behind. 
The third scene is 3 girls and a dad walking towards the car to sit. The camera movement shown is like somebody's following them giving the scene more thriller and mystery. The dad who is still not seated and puts food in the back of the trunk, turns around to look as the camera zooms in on him and the 'take' is cut to show the girl's face. She looks in the side mirror, and the fallen food on the road makes her and the audience suspicious of what has happened and suddenly, a stranger (not the parent) but a completely different man who we have not seen before comes and sits in the driving seat. There are no dialogues from him, but the girls in the back seat still haven't noticed him. The girl in the front seat has realized and looks very scared from the expressions on her face. The girl in the back seat address to the man 'you've got the wrong car' and he locks the door, puts on a mask and in a sudden movement sprays the two girls. The other girl's face is zoomed into, more scared than ever, she tries opening the car door and as she does very stealthy, the car makes a sound when the door hinge is opened. 
Now the zoom ins to the characters creates horror for the audience and the pause look of the man to the girl creates thriller and horror as he reaches for her and the scene is cut to show credits.


Genre : Thriller/Mystery

The opening sequence has only one scene in it. It's situated in a house where, we can see a man with a gun in his hand and a girl hiding behind a door ; scared. As the door creaks further, we see that there is a boy with that girl who is possibly her sibling. Both of them scared, run towards another door which seems to be locked. The boy very horrified, looks sideways and sees a ghost which is very scary in imagery. The boy screeched as he sees a ghost, his sister shuts his mouth immediately and then we can see a man holding a gun to the girl's head, intense emotions are there and then as he pulls the trigger the scene cuts to another scene which is not very clear.


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