Here is an image of the 9 frame analysis of a movie "Lady Bird" Each frame have a particular meaning and a level of importance to the film. As you can see from the image above, the first nine shots involve titles as well. The titles all have a particular purpose and its generally put in order of importance. The overall color scheme in these frames is very neutral, like shades of brown, nude, white. No bright or shocking color can be seen in these frames which may depict the mundane and monotonous routine of the people. And now that I've mentioned people, they're students as seen by the classes and gathering. The 9 frames altogether target a certain audience, which may be students. The first frame shows a character under a spotlight. Now it's pretty obvious that the first frame that is of a character is main one. This has been done to make it easy for the audience to know who the focus should be on. It seems like they're gathered to prayers ...