Target Audience Questionnaire

Since we have already decided the genre of our opening sequence, i wanted to do a short survey between my friends and family. 
Now, this survey i feel is important because it will help me in understanding the audience and representation of our opening sequence in a clearer way. Not only that it does help in making the right choice of shots, locations and any changes in the script. I conducted this questionnaire before i wrote the final draft of my script so that we can make any changes to the way we shoot and/or edit it. You'll see why ; 

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you watch horror/thriller movies? . Number of responses: 17 responses.

The first question i asked was the most simple and basic. The entire questionnaire had to be based around this question. According to this, most of the people do watch horror or thriller movies so our opening sequence isn't going to be a boring one.

Forms response chart. Question title: If yes, what do you look for in the movie? . Number of responses: 15 responses.

I honestly, wasn't expecting this result. A lot of people feel like a movie with good acting, suspense or thriller, sound effects just isn't enough. It has to have a good story line, otherwise it just won't make the cut. Although, the difference between the 2nd and 3rd option isn't a lot but these two together will do the job.

Forms response chart. Question title: Should there be more dialogues in a horror movie?. Number of responses: 17 responses.

The sole reason of adding this question was because our opening sequence does not have a dialogue. Most thrillers don't have dialogues but i felt like knowing other people's opinion on this. This is a close call, but in my favor. 

Forms response chart. Question title: Which shot type would you find most scary?. Number of responses: 17 responses.

Now this is a very important question, i like the response. We have, successfully managed our shots this way. For e.g, we don't have a lot of extreme wide shots, we have one point of view shot and many close up and medium shots. So, overall, we have a selection of the right shots, because it's important to know where and how to place a shot in the right genre.

Forms response chart. Question title: What setting do you feel is most frightening in a horror film?. Number of responses: 17 responses.

The location we have decided on is a house and it actually got the votes.

Forms response chart. Question title: If you watch horror movies, how old are you?. Number of responses: 16 responses.

This is the last question, where I had to ask the age group to see which age group i will be targeting in my opening sequence. 17-25 is the age group i wished to target initially from our opening sequence. But I did however got a good response from pretty much all these age groups i mentioned.


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